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P1 By Jonas Cederlund: December, 2016 18:00 Back Next

Editorial - Restart

So the end of the year is here. And here is what actually happened and why my website went kinda silent and without updates for awhile.

First of all, you all deserve much better, i should have writen this update months ago, actually i should not needed to write this at all frankly. I should have given you my visitors the work and dedication i'm supposed to put into my site weekly and monthly with new content and updates.

So why am i so damn lazy updating my own website, well you're lucky it's not that i'm lazy, i have struggled with fatigue, i have had my website planned out for years, so nothing has changed in that aspect. For many years i was uncertan if really was my future or if it just were something i should slowly leave behind, because my websites glory days is long gone. After having a break from my website and content creation for over 3 maybe 4 months now. I'm sure that it's neither, but that my website is still the most important thing in my life.

I'm preparing at getting back, and working at full force. I still need to figure out somethings to make my workday more easy, but this would in turn make more content as now there is just a mess of cables and my computer is stuck behind my desk. I need to change output ever so often.

Please have some patience with me, as i said i'm figuring it out as time goes on. And i would love to start making stuff again for my site and fixing my aswell. But what's going to happen between now and then, keep an eye on my twitter and maybe i have an answer. Just know that i'm on my way back!

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